This was the first day of school for the kids, Aerica started 4th grade. She seems so grown up. Cy started 1st grade, and Jessie goes to the pre-school at the elementary. She has a classroom, and gets to ride the bus and everything. The kids were soooo excited.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Sunday, July 15, 2007
7/7/07 was spent in Eden, Ut. It was great. When 7 is your lucky number, what's better than vacationing with your family for a triple 7 day. I did get bit by a spider, but hey, LUCKY for me it wasn't poisonous. We had fun at Pineview resevoir, and the kids had fun on the shore playing in the sand. Check out our pictures!
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Cy Palmer, June 19, 2000. 7 going on 17
For Cy's birthday he got an XBOX 360 from grandpa Drury, Chad says thank you too! He has been playing it non-stop. He also got a new fishing rod and reel, and a DVD, Night at the Museum. He also got $50 between the gift cards from all his grandmas. He is excited to spend it, but hasn't decided on what to buy yet. Cy is so interested in the how and why of everything. He's left-handed and one of a kind! He is so sweet and tenderhearted, yet rough and rowdy when he wants to be, especially when wrestling with Dad, his favorite thing to do. These are some random pictures from the past year.