My sweet Aerica is growing up! What does that mean for me? YIKES! She turned 12 today and for her birthday I got a list of what she wanted, a cell phone, a facebook, a long board, some clothes, the new Justin Bieber (spelling?) CD, and random other things I can't remember, which must mean she didn't get them!! I did get her a cell phone, heaven help me, and I haven't decided on the facebook. It may cost the least, but might end up costing me the most right?
Well, since she has volleyball games tonight (GO spikers!)and can't go somewhere, I decided to check her out of school and take her to Provo for lunch and shopping. We also took two of her best friends, Josie and Lydia, whose parents were awesome to let them come celebrate with us. I know, I'm a cool mom! I learned from the best! (Right Mom!) Anywho, I ate with them, then let them shop the mall without me, alas, I shopped alone, who am I kidding, I loved it!!
It was slightly a wake up call for me about getting close to having a teenager. We weren't 5 minutes out of Mona and I almost passed out from smelling the perfume and lotion these girls were slathering on. And I won't be able to listen to Britney Spears anymore(not admitting I do) without laughing and thinking of these crazy girls. They were listening to Britney's "CIRCUS" song, but singing "All eyes on me in the center of the ring just like asparagus", if you get a chance, listen to it, that's exactly what it sounds like. They sang and jabbered all the way there. I just laughed inside at how much fun they were having, and remembered being that young. So, happy birthday Aeri-Lou, Love you to pieces!!!