Friday, February 13, 2009

Which side of the car is the gas tank on?

So, Cy has always been an observant kind of kid. He likes explanations for everything. When he was 4 he wanted to know why the lines in the road changed. Some times there were dotted lines, sometimes dotted and solid lines, sometimes the solid line was on the other side of the dotted line... you get the point. He notices everything. It's been kinda fun this basketball season because he sits with Chad and the team on the bench and goes into the locker room with them at half-time. I've always wondered what was said in those tense moments at half-time. From the time I was young and went to my Dad's games, till now, I've always wondered what was said. Well, now I have my own little spy. He is the perfect detail remembering kid that has no idea he shouldn't come out and spill it all to me. It's perfect.

So, back to the title of this post. We were driving to Layton this week for a basketball game and from the backseat Cy says "Mom, that car's gas hole is on the wrong side" Now imagine that phrase in your head, who's WHAT is on the wrong side? I said "what did you just say?" and He repeated it. I just sat there and laughed to myself, for one that he noticed it, and two... gas hole? Try not laughing at that.

Just thought I'd share.


herofanfamily said...

That is awesome! I love kids and what they say.

Mindy said...

Thanks for the laugh this morning...Cy, you're awesome.

hollilyne said...

which side is the wrong side for a gas hole to be. I think that is a good question for you to ask him.

LuckyDogs said...

It's official...Uncle Rich has a new nickname.

Gas hole. I LUV it.

Missy said...

Gas hole!?! That is so awesome!

Noah calls popcorn chicken "chicken balls!"

I would love to hear the conversation if they were in the same room!