First, the eggs. For the last couple months I have been finding raw eggs, from the fridge, here and there around Jessie's room. I collect them, count my blessings I haven't found a broken one, tell her how bad that would stink, tell her to knock it off, and throw them away. This has happened so many times I am at a loss of what to do, or why she is doing this. Does she think it's easter? Who knows, but this week I went in to Jessie's room, picked up a pillow off her chair, and found a dozen eggs. Yes, an entire dozen. I don't know how long they had been there, I called Jessie in, and she immediately started crying that I had found them. I called Chad in to see and he thought it was cute, I was just mad, until she explained that now that we took off the pillow, she couldn't sit on them anymore and now they won't hatch.
I guess that's cute.
We explained eggs from the store won't hatch, and she seemed devestated, but now maybe my eggs will stop disappearing!

Stinking Furnace! (literally)
So it was the middle of the night last weekend when we were awakened by the smoke detector. We got up thinking "stupid piece of crap", went in the hall into a cloud of smoke, that's when the panic set in. Chad and I ran into the kitchen first, nothing. Ran downstairs to the kids rooms, no smoke down there, kids all fine, ran back up stairs, turned on all the lights and saw the smoke was coming out of the vents. So Chad went to the furnace, the fan motor was siezed and burning. So we turned it off. No fire, but a stinky, smokey, cold house. And then, a big storm, Nice! It turns out the furnace was under warranty, and Lennox was sending out a repair man, on Monday. What? Yes, a weekend with a big storm, and no furnace. I had to work every night, so I was in the warm hospital. My kids thought it was fun having the gas fireplace on, and cuddling up with dad. I got some pictures of where Jessie pretty much camped for 3 days. But don't worry, it is all fixed and warm at our house now!!

That would be her bubble-tape there with her, gotta have the essentials!
Love your story about the eggs. Greetings from a Shumway in Ohio.
-Mark Shumway
Jessie is the cutest. So cute that she thought the eggs would hatch! Glad you're toasty warm now... gas fireplaces are the best!
I love her now!!! Seriously.....I love her. That is the most adorable story ever. I can just imagine her at night trying soooo hard to make that little egg hatch. Maybe Kellie can send her a few eggs?
Great story! What a cute little girl you have thinking she is a mamma that could hatch her little chicks! Loved it! I hate furnace problems - we had a similar problem except we were out of town when it shut down so our house was almost "frozen" when we returned!:)
hey girl how are ya?! Long time no talk! I love Jessie!! That may or may not be the cutest story I've ever heard. What were you thinking when all your eggs were missing?! How funny, love it. We STILL need to get together stat! Let me know when you're free. I'd love to see ya.
How Cute!!! I think the story of the eggs was adorable---she thought she could be like a mother hen and hatch the eggs. Oh, I know your husband is th Basket Ball Coach, but next time you come to work would you please bring a "catchers mit"!!!! Ha Ha Ha!!!
Oh that is the sweetest story!! come on mom she just wants some baby chicks!!!
It's a good thing that you made use of the furnace's warranty because nowadays, only a few furnace manufacturers offer long warranty periods to their customers. Anyway, I'm glad that the furnace is now up and working. Kids definitely love a warm climate at home.
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