Well, for old times sake, and I guess new adventures for my kids, Holli, Lisa and I took my kids up Provo Canyon today. We stopped at Canyon Glen, Vivian Park and South Fork Park. It was a little breezy, but the kids loved it. Canyon Glen was "the place" to hang out and barbeque back in the day, but I hadn't been there in years. There are now some strange rock sculptures there, however, they don't compare to the "naked chinese boy's" sculptures you can find on Kellie's blog (There is a link if interested,) but the kids liked climbing on them.

Up at South Fork Park, Aerica was, you guessed it, up the tree. She scaled this tree in like 3 seconds. She has some freakish tree climbing talent.

Hey have you guys moved yet??
Aerica climbs like a monkey, my type of girl.
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