The Annual party at my mom's this year topped all previous years. It was great. For those of you reading this, you may not know my Mom. She is an amazing lady, and she LOVES halloween, no doubt why I love it too. She decorates and prepares for her spooky party for weeks. She plans activities, treats, and spooky fun for all her grandkids that can make it. This year she had 10 of her 20 grandkids which isn't bad since the ones who couldn't make it live in China, Alaska, and Missouri.
We had a treasure hunt that took the kids from clue to clue, outside, to the neighbors, the backyard, then ended with a seriously grand goody bag, can you say who needs to trick or treat after that? I can't do justice in description to all the fun things we did but I will list some of them: We made magazine cut-out monsters, jack-o-lanterns with Mr Potato head pieces (so cute), had mom's infamous chili, yummy provo bakery sugar cookies, cut and tasted a spooky gummy hand, then watched a spooky movie, (Watcher in the Woods? Who knew disney could be so scary!) Two new things we did this year that were SO fun, one was when the kids got to wrap their own mommy into a mummy called "wrap your Mummy", it was hilarious and my sisters and I loved being mummified by our kids. The 2nd was a great picture background that you put your face in that was painted by Holli and Lisa, it was a crack up. All in all the party was the best day I have had in a long time. Spending time with family while laughing and enjoying each other cannot be topped. Thanks mom for an awesome night. We missed everyone far away!!